Linkam welcome Resultec to our UK Headquarters

We were delighted to welcome Dr Manfred Feustel from Resultec, our distributor in Germany for over 20 years, to our UK Headquarters in Salfords, Surrey this week. It was Manfred’s first visit to our Perrywood offices. He was given a tour of our facility and we had the opportunity to show him our latest product developments. We also discussed our future plans and strategies for expanding our product portfolio and reaching new markets in Germany.

Linkam escape from the office!

Our team after successfully completing their challenges

Some of the Linkam team took the opportunity to showcase their skills in robbing banks, ghost hunting in the remains of an abandoned prison and preventing a murder last week. We visited Gatwick Escape Rooms to demonstrate our teamwork, problem solving abilities and to have some fun! We’re pleased to report we all escaped successfully from our challenges and are safely back in the office.

Linkam introduce the CMS196V4 at King's College London

Our Senior Research Scientist Dr Michael Schwertner introduced our new Cryo-Correlative Microscopy Stage, the CMS196V4, to researchers at the Centre for Ultrastructural Imaging (CUI) at Kings College London as part of the ‘‘Imaging Bites" seminar series. The CMS196V4 enables fluorescence sample mapping for correlative methods with cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). In his presentation, Michael explored the skills and tools unique to cryo-samples and discussed applications within the Centre for Ultrastructural Imaging, highlighting how cryo-correlative methods can enhance the study of biological samples. The seminar also explored how vitrified cryo-samples offer superior structural preservation of biological samples and are compatible with the vacuum conditions of the electron microscope as well as light microscopy methods, notably fluorescence.

At the end of the presentation there was an opportunity to view the CMS196V4 with accessories, including a short Q&A on how workflows directly connect with existing JEOL instrumentation at CUI, such as the CRYOARM TEM and the FIB SEM.

Linkam visit Labindia

Ilknur and Clara pictured with representatives from Labindia at their offices in Chennai.

Our Sales Director Clara Ko and Sales Manager Ilknur Dereli visited our distributor Labindia in India at the end of February. During the visit, Clara and Ilknur discussed our latest product developments and future plans and strategies for expanding our product portfolio and reaching new markets in India.

Linkam deliver Christmas gifts to I Choose Freedom

A selection of the gifts on display by our Canteen Christmas Tree before being collected by I Choose Freedom.

Linkam delivered a range of Christmas gifts to I Choose Freedom to distribute to children and parents at a local refuge ahead of the Christmas break. The gifts were funded by donations raised from our annual Christmas Jumper day, (the amount raised was also matched by the company), along with several personal donations from our staff. Our gifts helped to ensure that every survivor and child at an I Choose Freedom refuge received a Christmas present this year. I Choose Freedom provide shelter, support and counselling for women and children who have escaped from abusive situations. Please visit their website for more information.

Linkam show Festive Fashion Flair!

Our team took the opportunity to show off their festive fashion flair (?!) by wearing their favourite Christmas jumpers to raise money for charity. As you can see, a fantastic range of jolly jumpers and happy headdresses were on display! Last year’s winner Leo was head judge and after some tough deliberations, Hannah, our Accounts Office Assistant, was declared the worthy winner. Valuable funds were raised for I Choose Freedom, who provide shelter, support and counselling for women and children who have escaped from abusive situations. 

Linkam’s Winter Staff Event at Boom Battle Bar

We held our annual staff event in London’s West End at the weekend. Our team got together for a night out at Boom Battle Bar on Oxford Street on Saturday evening to showcase our skills at several non-Olympic sports including axe throwing, augmented reality darts and crazy golf. After demonstrating our athletic abilities (or not), everyone enjoyed a tasty buffet and drinks and, as everyone knows, it’s taking part that really matters!

Visit us this week (22-24 October) at vEM in Oxfordshire, UK!

This week we’re at the Volume EM Technology Forum hosted by the Rosalind Franklin Institute at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire, UK. If you’re attending the event, please come and see our Senior Research Scientist Michael, and Sales Engineer Michelle at our stand today and tomorrow to discuss how we can help with your experimental requirements. We look forward to seeing you!

Michael giving a presentation at the event.

Join us at the vEM Technology Forum, Didcot, Oxfordshire, UK, 22 - 24 October 2024!

Linkam is one of the sponsors of next week’s inaugural Volume EM Technology Forum hosted by the Rosalind Franklin Institute at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Oxfordshire, UK. We will be represented at the event by our Senior Research Scientist Dr Michael Schwertner and Sales Engineer Michelle Coffie.

The three-day conference includes technical presentations, posters, and panel discussions, as well as hardware and software demo lounges. We look forward to seeing you in Oxfordshire!

Linkam visit our friends in the Far East

Our MD Ross visits the JHT booth at JASIS 2024

Our MD Ross Browne, and Sales and Marketing Director Clara Ko visited our partners in Japan and South Korea at the beginning of September. Ross and Clara visited the JASIS Exhibition in Tokyo where they also met with some of our customers in the region. They visited the booth of our Japanese distributor, JHT, before travelling to JHT’s Head Office in Fukuoka to discuss our long standing and ongoing partnership. We would like to thank our kind hosts Mr Takamasa Iwasaru, Chairman, Mr Koichi Iwasaru, Managing Director, and the JHT team for their warm hospitality during the two days. Ross and Clara then flew to Seoul in South Korea to catch up with customers at Seoul National University and business partners VisionUs and Shinhan before returning to the UK.

The busy exhibition hall at JASIS.

Ross and Clara with JHT at their Head Office in Fukuoka. Representing JHT are Mr Koichi Iwasaru, Managing Director, Mr Shinichiro Kanatsuki, Sales Manager and Mr Shigeru Kakuchi, Account Management who also provided translation.

Linkam's Summer Event

Linkam’s UK staff celebrated Summer in the best way possible by demonstrating their intellectual prowess, fashion flair, athleticism and ability to eat great amounts of pizza and strawberries and ice-cream! Our Social Committee, led by Quiz Mistresses (?) Hannah and Natalie organised a fun quiz followed by a game of Corn Hole outdoors to make the most of the sunny weather.

Thinking heads on during the quiz.

Our new 3D Carbon Printer has arrived at Linkam!

Can they fix it? Yes they can!

We’re delighted to have taken possession of a new 3D Bambu Labs X1 carbon printer which was expertly installed, along with a sturdy table for it to rest on, by our R&D Team (after carefully reading the manuals). The new printer will enable us to produce jigs, prototypes and packaging in several colours and at a faster speed than our old one which will go to auction and hopefully provide many more years of great service.

Linkam’s commitment to reducing our environmental impact

At Linkam we are continually seeking to reduce our carbon footprint across all aspects of the business by monitoring our energy use and looking for ways to be more energy efficient. Some of the key steps we have taken include using renewable source electricity at our UK Headquarters and offsetting our gas use at the end of each financial year. We have also offset our air travel taken over the past 12 months by supporting international carbon reduction projects and the planting of trees in the UK through Carbonfootprint Ltd.

We have improved our UK facility by upgrading our bike storage along with installing showers and changing rooms to enable our staff to cycle to work where possible. Our Production Team demonstrated their range of skills by assembling a new bike store indoors before expertly moving the structure outside and ensuring it was safely attached to the ground. It was n’t long before the first bike was stored!


Linkam Appoint Neveen Hosny as R&D Director

Linkam Scientific Instruments are pleased to announce the appointment of Neveen Hosny to the position of R&D Director. Neveen has over 25 years’ experience in academic and industrial research, focused on medical engineering, microscopy, interfacing technologies, resource funding, product design and knowledge transfer. She has also led and contributed to multiple publications and grants. Peter Grocutt will work alongside Neveen in his new role as R&D Consultant.

Linkam welcome visitors from China to our UK Headquarters

We were delighted to welcome some visitors from China to our UK Headquarters in Salfords, Surrey recently. It was great to catch up with Jerry Yang from AD Creative, who look after our business in China, and to meet representatives from Karamay XianBo Technology Innovation and Incubation Co., Ltd. in Xinjiang who are long-term customers of Linkam products.

Pictured above are Jerry Yang from AD Creative, Miss Ge and Mr Li from Karamay XianBo Technology Innovation and Incubation Co. Ltd alongside our MD Ross Browne and Sales Director Clara Ko.