DSC450 application NOTES
Researchers from the University of Hertfordshire’s School of Life and Medical Sciences collaborated with Linkam to provide an in-depth analysis into how the optical DSC450 and TASC can be used to characterise drug-polymer-excipient systems for pharmaceutical applications. Read the full case study here.
See how TASC can be used as a rapid and inexpensive screening method during the preformulation stage of solid dispersion based pharmaceutical products.
Polymorphism in pharmaceutical solids has great implications on both the processing and the performance of solid pharmaceutical products. This app note details work from the School of Pharmacy at UCL using TASC with our DSC450 to characterise polymorphic transitions in the pharmaceutical active compound flufenamic acid .
TASC is a powerful technique to gain structural phase information, similar to DSC, from a range of our temperature control stages including the DSC450 and THMS600. This article discusses the advantages of this technique, with specific reference to its application in the analysis of polymer blends for drug delivery.
DSC Scientific Literature