FDCS196 Freeze Drying System Specifications
Temperature range < -195°C to 125°C
Up to 150°C/min heating
Temperature stability <0.1°C
15mm XY sample manipulation
Sample area 22mm diameter
Maximum vacuum tested to 10-3mbar (tested onsite under full vacuum load)
Clamps directly to the microscope substage for stability
100 Ohm platinum resistor sensor
Light aperture 1.3mm diameter
Silver heating block for high thermal conductivity
Direct injection of the coolant into the silver block
Single ultra thin lid window 0.5mm
Objective lens working distance 4.8mm
Condenser lens minimum working distance 12.5mm
Range of condenser extension lenses available
Can be used with all microscope techniques
Suitable for confocal, Laser Raman, IR and X-ray
Stage body size 135mm x 92mm x 21.7mm
If you are using transmitted light please go to the CONDENSER EXTENSION LENS section for condenser info.