
Temperature and environmental control from < -195°C to 600°C


The HFS600 is used in a range of applications where rapid heating/cooling rates and high levels of accuracy and stability are required. It is a compact stage which can be used either horizontally with microscopes, vertically in spectrometer systems or on synchrotron beamlines. It can be fitted with a variety of window materials for Raman, IR, UV and X-ray investigations.

Samples are quickly characterised by heating to within a few degrees of the required temperature at a rate of up to 150°C/min with minimal overshoot, then slowed down to a few tenths of a degree per minute to closely examine sample changes. NEXUS software can be used to record the entire experiment, and associated images, which can then be displayed as a chart or exported to graphing software for further analysis.

A system requires both the HFS600 stage and a T96-S temperature controller, which is available with either NEXUS software for computer control and recording, or a LinkPad touch screen for stand-alone control. For cooling below ambient temperatures, an optional LNP96-S liquid nitrogen pump is also available. 

Several versions of this versatile stage have been developed for a range of applications including pressure, vacuum, humidity and electrical sample measurement. Sample holders to mount the stage vertically in IR or X-ray spectrometers are also available.

HFS600 on Imaging Station

HFS600 on Imaging Station

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