Please note that Linkam’s T95 has been discontinued and this page remains active for reference only. Check out our new and improved T96, with more improved temperature precision, more powerful heating and cooling, more options for environmental control, and more characterisation options with LINK software. We will of course honour T95 (and earlier) support cases, please contact for more details.
T95 Specifications
Data Entry by LinkPad Touch Screen TFT Display 320x240 pixels or Linksys 32 Software (PC only)
Connectivity through RS232 or USB (Downloadable firmware updates)
Programmable O/P 2 Open Drain
Programmable I/P 1-10V tolerant 10K i/p impedence
T Measurement1/10 din standard PT100 platinum sensor 0.01°C resolution
2 x PT100 sensor channels
2 Thermocouple channels per board
Data sampling rate 20/s
Maximum Heating rates 200°C/min
Temperature range -196 to 1500°C
Vacuum pressure range 1x10-4 to 1268 mBar
Tensile Force Resolution 0.001N
Stepper Motor programmable control to 1A, 24bit digital encoder