General Stage Support
This section contains general support that is applicable to all Linkam stages.
Recommended Sample Preparation
For the best thermal transfer into and through your sample, the following factors should be considered:
- Your sample should be as small as is feasible. Large samples have a greater thermal mass and may lag behind the temperature of the heater.
- Your sample should be as thin as possible. Thicker samples may develop a temperature gradient resulting in the temperature at the visible surface of the sample lagging behind that reported by the heater.
- Your sample should be as flat as possible in order to have the best thermal contact with the heater or cover slip. For powder samples it is a good idea to place a cover slip over the sample and tamp it down to try to remove air gaps prior to heating. For metal samples it may be helpful to melt the sample and allow it to cool and solidify again prior to starting the experiment if this will not adversely affect your experiment (for example by introducing oxide contamination to the sample).
Safe purge gases for Linkam stages
Linkam stages are safe to use with with Argon (Ar) and Nitrogen (N2) as purge gases.
Do not use Helium (He) or Hydrogen (H2) gas in a Linkam stage. The extremely high thermal conductivity of these gases will put a much greater than normal thermal load on the heater, causing the heating performance to be poor and, in extreme cases, causing the heater to burn out.
Other gases may be used at your own risk, but we do not recommend using corrosive gases as these are likely to damage the internal components of your stage.
Before using any gas in your Linkam stage, you should refer to the appropriate Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the substance and abide by all recommended safety and handling precautions.
Poor heating performance
If your Linkam stage heats up and gives no error message but is unable to reach specified temperature limits, or to match the specified heating rate, it may be that the heating block has been pushed down so that it is touching the base plate of the stage. This results in a large heat-sinking effect and prevents the stage from achieving optimal performance.
It is also possible that another part of the stage, such as the sample ramp or sensor cover, could be touching the heater if they have become loose. Check that these parts are not making contact with the heater by sliding a business card, or similar, between the base of the stage and the bottom of the heater. If the card does not slide freely, the heater is too close to the base. Contact Linkam Scientific technical support for assistance if this is the case.
- Allow your stage heater time to reach ambient temperature before attempting this process.
- Be very careful not to damage the fragile PT100 sensor while checking this issue. If your stage has a sensor cover protecting the PT100 sensor it should be removed before starting your check.
- Note that this process is only applicable to Linkam stages with suspended heating/cooling blocks, such as the THMS600 stage.
This issue may also be caused in any type of Linkam stage by using an excessively large sample or by using a purge gas with a very high level of thermal conductivity, such as Helium (He).
The cooling rate is less than programmed
Use the manual setting on the LNP9X/S or NEXUS software to rectify this. It is most likely that this is as a result of one of the connectors becoming blocked or damaged. Check that each tube is fitted tightly to the connector and that none of the tubing is twisted or has come lose. The larger diameter tube leading from the LNP consists of a tube within a tube; check that the internal tube is connected, it may have come loose. Any constrictions of either the tubing or the connector will have a drastic effect on the cooling ability of the LNP. If the connectors and tubing are OK, check that the capillary tubing to the Dewar flask is not bent or damaged and that the filter is intact and unblocked. If any damage has occurred to any of these items, they will need to be replaced. If no damage is found, check that the heating block is not constricted. This can be checked, simply by blowing through one of the steel cooling tubes using a compressed air line.
Stage will not cool down to lower limit
Check that the stage lid is not touching the heating block when screwed down and that the heating block has not been pushed down so that it touches the base of the stage.
System displaying an 'Open Circuit' or 'Temp Overrange' message
This error is most frequently caused by a break or short circuit in the PT100 temperature sensor wires that connect to the sensor in the side of the heating/cooling element.
In the first instance check for any obvious broken wires, make sure that the Lemo connection cable is firmly inserted into the Lemo port on the stage, and check that the 'D' type end of the stage connection lead is firmly connected to the controller.
If the problem persists, please consult the "Testing sensor and heater connections on a silver block stage" below.
After you have undertaken all the steps detailed above and there is still a problem, please contact Linkam Scientific support as your stage will need to be returned to us for repair.
Changing the pressure in a Linkam Stage
Several Linkam stages are suitable for use with vacuum. This is shown by a 'V' at the end of the stage name, for example TS1500V or THMS350V. The FDCS196 stage is also suitable for vacuum use.
Only these models may be evacuated, Linkam stages which are not specifically designed for vacuum use will be damaged if used in this manner.
If a different window material is required for a vacuum stage, consult Linkam Scientific for appropriate windows.
Only the THMS600-PS pressure stage and the CCR1000 Catalyst stage can be pressurised to above atmospheric pressure. Do not attempt to pressurise any other Linkam stage.
Refer to your specific stage user guide for more details, such as minimum / maximum pressure values.
Cleaning your Linkam stage or windows
If your Linkam stage or window has become dirty due to sample residue or other factors and you need to clean it, we recommend using isopropyl alcohol and a soft cloth to wipe it down.
- Always disconnect all cables and power connections prior to cleaning.
- Allow your stage sufficient time for the heater to reach ambient temperature before cleaning.
- Make sure that all residue from the cleaning process is dry before operating the stage.
- Remove the windows from your stage prior to cleaning - refer to the window removal process for your stage type in this FAQ or your stage user guide.
- Take special care when cleaning near exposed wires as these may be fragile.
Testing sensor and heater connections on a silver block stage
Make sure that the heater has returned to ambient temperature, power off the controller and remove the stage lead from the heater carrier before performing this test.
In order to determine whether your heater or sensor is working correctly, you can measure the resistance of the pins on the connector as shown in the picture below.

Please note that it is not possible to carry out this test on Linkam stages with hardwired or locked stage leads.
For high temperature stages please consult the 'High Temperature Stage' support section.