Space Science Applications
Our sample characterisation solutions have helped to push the boundaries of science for over 30 years. From studying icy satellites to extra terrestrial rock samples, Linkam stages are used by space agency programmes and universities worldwide to further characterise and understand the science of space.
Our stages can accurately control temperature in ranges from < -195°C up to 1500°C. The environment within the chamber can also be controlled, with the option of gas purging, controlled vacuum, pressure or humidity.
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Published Papers

Application NOTES
In advance of the Mars landing on 18 February 2021, members of the Analytical Chemistry group at Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (University of the Basque Country) in Leioa, Spain presented their research on how temperature controlled experiments (including Raman spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence and XRD analysis) can be used to characterise geological materials ranging from historical artefacts from the Roman empire to regolith samples from Mars.
Read how Linkams LTS350 (now replaced by the LTS420) is used to for thermophysical studies by the Cryo-Ices group at Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
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