Temperature and environmental control from < -195°C to 600°C with XY sample manipulators
The THMS600 is one of the most widely used heating and freezing microscope stages available and is used in a range of applications where high heating/freezing rates and 0.01°C accuracy and stability are required. The THMS600 has a temperature range of < -195°C to 600°C.
Samples are quickly characterised by heating to within a few degrees of the required temperature at a rate of up to 150°C/min with minimal overshoot, then slowed down to a few tenths of a degree per minute to closely examine sample changes. The entire experiment can also be exported to a spreadsheet application.
Several versions of this versatile stage have been developed for a range of applications including pressure, vacuum, humidity and electrical sample measurement. Sample holders to mount the stage vertically in FTIR spectrometers are also available.