THMS600 application notes
Learn how geologists use Linkam Stages to investigate fluid inclusions in ore samples.
In advance of the Mars landing on 18 February 2021, members of the Analytical Chemistry group at Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (University of the Basque Country) in Leioa, Spain presented their research on how temperature controlled experiments (including Raman spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence and XRD analysis) can be used to characterise geological materials ranging from historical artefacts from the Roman empire to regolith samples from Mars.
The polar regions of the Antarctic and the Arctic are indicators of the changing global climate, and there is a lot of research underway to investigate how changing conditions will affect the polar ecosystems and beyond. The Korean Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) uses Raman spectroscopy in combination with Linkam stages to study ice crystals and chemical processes in polar ice in order to better understand climate change.
Researchers at the University of Glasgow use the THMS600 to look at phase transitions in mixed liquid systems. Read the full case study here.
Researchers in Australia using a THMS600 found that metastable silicon states achieved by indentation remained stable up to 450 °C. The research has clarified how these indentation-formed phases of silicon evolve through metastable structures such as r8-Si, to nanocrystalline phases such as hd-Si and Si-XIII.
A study of soldering and brazing using both THMS600 and TS1500 stages to mimic industrial processes.
Read how the THMS600 is used in the analysis of glass sample in the Tulsa Forensics Department.