THMS600 Specifications
Temperature range < -195°C to 600°C (cooling option required)
Up to 150°C/min heating, 100°C/min cooling (using LNP96)
Temperature stability <0.01°C
16 mm XY sample manipulation
Sample area 22 mm diameter
Quick-release gas valves for atmospheric control
100 Ω platinum resistor sensor. 1/10th Din Class B
Light aperture - 2.0mm Ø
Silver heating block for high thermal conductivity
Direct injection of the coolant into the silver block
Single ultra thin lid window - 0.5mm
Objective lens working distance 4.8mm
Range of condenser extension lenses available
Can be used with all microscope techniques
The stage body can be cooled with a water cooling pump for high temperature work (>300°C)
Suitable for confocal, Laser Raman and X-ray
Sample side loading without removing the stage lid
For information on transmitted light applications, please go to the CONDENSER EXTENSION LENS section.